Monday, August 13, 2007

720 Nanometers

That's the length of light which is allowed to pass through to the image sensor on this camera, while the visible spectrum (you know, ROYGBIV) is blocked. The result is a striking display of otherworldly colors. Green foliage is rendered completely white, while other colors are represented in unique ways. Awesome for landscapes, but not so hot for portraiture. People turn into ghosts, while the eyes go black and hair a bizarre shade of blue. Very strange.

Chris Rock

I was given the opportunity recently to photograph Chris Rock while he and his family enjoyed the day at Six Flags Great Adventure. It was interesting watching the people at the park recognize him and point, while others would rush up for a quick handshake, etc. Still others complimented him on his recent movies. Unfortunately, he only agreed to a few quick photos early in the day, so I wasn't able to get creative, but nevertheless it was an interesting day. One things for sure though...he definitely kept it real.